
Running wild in Nepal. A video from past summer.

Made this video at the end of summer from all the footage I got from my time in Nepal. Now as I await another disastrous Midterm to pull through, I cannot stop thinking about movement, freedom of travel and riding the rickety bus to a new town every other day.

There is much left in the world, much even within Nepal, for me to see and do. Forgive me if my test tomorrow isn’t high up on that list.

The song is Hami Aayau by Diwas Gurung. Very talented, Ithaca (NY) based, Nepalese born, musician. Part of the Rungs and Photoreal right now. Founded Ayurveda earlier.

Terai: the Nepal South

Spending a week in Terai was a very interesting experience. Between visiting family, reliving past childhood there and being away from the city, the great fields and farms made me feel very naive.
It humbles one, life in village, where your multitude knowledge of Quantum Matter and International Trade serve no purpose against the firewood and the bulls.


Stills from Terai – Imgur.

In Nepal

Spent 5 weeks in Nepal. Had a blast, all day, every day.


How I’ll miss this chaotic, anarchic, beautiful hometown: Kathmandu